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Showing posts from September 29, 2019

Physical Feedback: Introduction

I've decided to start reviewing pornography on this blog, mainly because I feel it's the one category of art that just doesn't seem to have much criticism going on in it. Most art critics have this silly idea that pornography is somehow beneath their notice, and most people who view it as a valid and important form of expression don't seem inclined to become critics of it themselves (outside of occasionally complaining about industry trends) so I figure I might as well pick up the torch myself, in the hope that the barrenness of the market might afford me some visibility and eventually lead to a cultural shift. If not, well at least I'll have fun whacking off to smut and then blogging about it. It's a win-win situation. So: Physical Feedback will update weekly, on Sundays, partly because that's when I'm free to spend some time writing about porn (after spending some time using it as intended so I can actually focus worth a damn while writing about it) ...