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Showing posts from December 4, 2019

Suicidal Roasts: Introduction

If it wasn't clear from the views I've already espoused on this blog in regard to politics and culture, at this point in my life I consider myself a great many things which can broadly be categorized as "leftist." Specifically, I'm currently a big fan of Pyotr Kropotkin's anarchist communism. But this wasn't always the case, in fact it's a pretty recent development. Prior to this I had a period where I considered myself a "left-leaning centrist" and avoided politics most of the time, and before that (back in and immediately after high school) I was outright conservative. Not just conservative, in fact, but a Randian Objectivist. I know, I know, a goth phase would've been preferable, but that would've required me to go out and buy clothes, whereas all I had to do to get into objectivism was grab a couple books off my (mostly politically-illiterate) mom's shelf. (I was also pretty well primed to accept objectivism due to a lifetime...