Content warning: molestation, rape, sexual violence Last week I spoke pretty positively about one of Asanagi's VictimGirls doujins, and this week I thought it might be interesting to provide a counterpoint with an entry in the series which I find it difficult to enjoy, primarily on moral and cultural grounds. VictimGirls 21 took place in a clearly fantastical setting and involved the use of magical garments and mind control, which made it very easy to compartmentalize the morality of the scenario and simply to project onto whatever participant most appealed to your desires; VictimGirls R: Molestation Eradication Campaign , however, takes a... different approach. The book portrays a feminist movement against molestation in which young girls appoint themselves as unofficial anti-molestation activists and publicly call out molesters on trains. Said movement is almost immediately revealed to be comprise primarily of self-serving, sadistic, or suggestible girls partaking in spurious...
Filth and Philosophy