I feel like writing about DOOM, to relax a bit in between bitching at Ayn Rand's work. Let's go through The Ultimate DOOM and DOOM II, and review each level along the way, shall we? In the proper order, of course; DOOM Episodes 1-3, then DOOM II, then Thy Flesh Consumed. No Final DOOM because fuck Final DOOM. Playing on UV -fast. (I feel like Ultraviolence is the best difficulty to review DOOM on because it feels like the most intended way to play, and I want to use the -fast tag because I just recently ran through all these games on Ultraviolence and don't want to get bored. It should be noted that -fast does arguably fuck up the balance in places but whatever, I like it.) Oh, and I'll be using the GZDOOM sourceport with the software renderer, running at 1080p, full mouselook, no graphical bells and whistles. TEXTURE FILTER PLAYERS PLEASE LEAVE. With that out of the way, let's tuck in to one of the greatest games ever made, starting with the shareware: Knee Deep ...
Filth and Philosophy