Read here if you're interested I'm tempted to call the phenomenon of h-doujins with ironically direct titles a subgenre in itself, it's something I see more and more as time goes on. There's a seemingly endless deluge of titles fitting the template of "A [fetish] [fetish] [character] Book," usually with some lampshadedly-weak excuse plot to get straight to the titular [fetish]-[fetish]-[character] fucking, which is all well and good as far as I'm concerned. If all you really want to do is get right to the point of a character you like or find attractive getting fucked in a particularly appealing way, more power to you, and thank you for making that apparent right off the bat. Well, in this case it's maybe not quite so up-front. There is a really unexpected sudden urination scene near the beginning of this one. But I've dealt with worse unexpected fetish material popping up, that's no big deal. No, my main gripe with this comic is the fac...
Filth and Philosophy