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Showing posts from March, 2020

I Don't Watch Soap Operas

Those primaries sure are tickin' on, huh? Kind of shitshow as far as I'm concerned, what with Bernie's faltering momentum and the Neoliberal Voltron all lining up behind Biden to try and push him into the oval office before he drops dead or calls someone the gamer word or something. All except Elizabeth Warren, the neoliberal who wants to pretend to be a leftist. She's taking her damn sweet time making a decision as to who to endorse, isn't she? Some of us are getting antsy. Others, however, seem to be in no hurry at all, extolling Warren's bravery for standing up as her own person and refusing to bend the knee to either of the candidates who are actually still in the race at this point. She doesn't owe anyone anything, right? Well, aside from the fact that actually, as a public servant whose salary is paid by taxes, yes, she actually does  owe the voting public something, the problem here is that this take obviously comes from such a place of privilege ...

Don't Play DOOM With a Gamepad

My PC died recently and I've been struggling to fill the DOOM void in my life ever since. I have a Chromebook now, which can run DOSbox and therefore DOOM, but it's far from an ideal way to play. The Chromebook version of DOSbox doesn't seem to support mouse input, and the machine is so underpowered that I get pretty awful performance. In desperation, I bought the Switch versions of DOOM and DOOM II, for a total of 3 dollars. DOOM on a gamepad is not an ideal experience. The Switch port at least runs better than the DOS version on my Chromebook, but aiming with an analog stick doesn't feel great when you can't aim up or down, and more importantly, the speed of this game's movement is just way too fast for an analog stick to keep up with. It's one thing when you have a mouse that you can use to turn as fast as you want, but when there's a specific speed at which you turn, it's impossible to find one that's fast enough to keep up with the movem...